Show your mother how much she means to you and nominate her as a Mum In A Million. You could also win a £500 cash prize for her. It doesn’t even have to be your Mum: you can nominate any mother who deserves recognition. There are two ways you can do this.
You can simply pay public tribute to her by sending us a letter to explain why she is so special.
We will publish your letter on our website absolutely free of charge, and we will assume we have the permission of you and your nominee to do so upon receipt of your letter.
• If you would like us to publish your letter…
• And publish a photograph of your mother (optional and supplied by you)
• And plant a tree in her name, with a verification certificate
• And send her a Mum In A Million certificate
• And send her a Mum In A Million heart engraved in her name…
• And include her in the worldwide Mum In A Million competition
• The fee to cover these costs, post, packaging, etc. is just £35 + VAT.
All of your letters – both the free and the paid-for entries – will be considered on equal terms and the judges will choose one of them as our National Mum In A Million Champion and present her with her £500 prize.
She will then go forward to represent her country in the International Mum In A Million Campaign with the prospect of being voted International Mum In A Million Champion.
THE CSR SOCIETY is an independent membership organisation for companies that use their commercial advantage and privileged position in society to support the communities they serve; develop the potential of their colleagues; engage in charitable activities; and generally and genuinely want to have a positive, beneficial impact on the world.